So you want to ensure you get that beautiful dip photo captured on your dance floor?

You may think it's as simple as practicing the dip at home a few times, or winging it on the night, but I'm here to tell you a couple of SUPER simple tips to ensure an easy breezy dip and that you're in a good position to have that moment captured best!

"Okay so just tell me" right? Don't worry - I'm going to cut straight to it:

  • Firstly - make sure your Photographer knows that you're planning a dip as part of your First Dance (or special lift, or whatever extra spesh moment you have planned to leave your guests looking on with those "Awwwww yes!" smiles in the background!
  • To capture all of the emotion of the moment best, I love having your guests included in the background as much as possible or for at least some parts of your dance (if the space allows it) - they'll be more blurred out as you guys will be the main focus, but it's nice to see their blurry reactions back there, instead of just a big wall of nothing behind you ;-) You also want to be side on to me & your guests (unless you're guests are circled around you, in which case you can dip anywhere, as long as I have enough time to jump into my best position I'll get it! Photos of your head dipping away from the camera don't look as great ;-) In saying this if you have an epic backdrop you want captured instead of your guests that is also perfect just let your Photographer know your preference.
  • Practice your dip (at home obviously) but also on the day when you're doing Couples Portraits, it makes for another good photo and gives you a chance to fine tune any finishing touches or get some notes from your Photographer
  • In the actual dip pose, my top tips are: keep your bodies close (like glued together close, this includes your heads - don't lean away from each other), don't worry as much about the depth of the dip - but bring your leg up as your body leans backwards to give the best effect.
  • Okay, so you're basically ready right? You're at the moment - you've practiced, thought about your backdrop, and know what to do - here's the thing sooooo many people forget: TAKE YOUR TIME! Go slow, dip down, hold the position (hold for applause!) have a smooch down there if you like, and then come back up! Take in your guests reactions and then give your Photographer a quick glance, if they're anything like me I'll tell you to dip again if I think it was missed or wasn't quite right. I would much rather you have a bit more of a dance & another dip than to miss it altogether.

That's it! It might seem like a lot but I promise it's not! A couple of simple planning tips enables the best result for everyone. Checkout some of my favourite example dip photos for Inspo & enjoy! As with everything on your day, if you're having fun and are able to be in the moment, it will show in your images.